Monday, April 28, 2014

Mommyhood #1


I have been working on my first post for a couple of weeks now. Writing a crochet pattern for the first time has been no simple task. I have had good intentions to finish it in a timely fashion but my four month old has been determined to keep me from doing so. Instead, you get my first mommy post. Here we go. 

At some point when you are a first time mom (which I am) you will decide (along with your SO) that this tiny person needs to figure out a sleep schedule that everyone can live with. 

After T-man had been sleeping through the night for about five weeks, he suddenly decided that wasn't fun for him anymore. We were back to two or more middle of the night feedings, and a fussy, sleep resisting baby to boot. 

Mark and I began seeking advice from anywhere we could find it. Are we dealing with 'Wonder Week 19'? Is this 'four month sleep regression'? Who really knows?!? I was just glad to know that we weren't completely insane and that other parents with babies the same age were dealing with the same thing. But that didn't magically make it better. We were still exhausted, and becoming sleep-deprived, zombie versions of ourselves. 

Here is the good news! It gets better! When your little one goes through this remember that it will get better! And boy were we glad! Two nights in a row T-man only woke once in the middle of the night to eat and went back to sleep like a champ! 

Here is the bad news (at least for us). After that second night you might have plans to meet up with some friends you haven't seen in a while! Yay! A social life! Don't get me wrong, I needed this night and adult conversation (even though most of it was about our kids anyway :) ). 

The following day, spiked a fever. The highest he has ever had :( . A weekend's worth of baby tylenol, and a baby who just wasn't himself sent us to the clinic Monday afternoon. 

Double ear infection, diaper rash (first one ever!), and his first tooth pushing really hard on those sweet little gums. My poor baby. 

Which leads me to: poor us. He is finally asleep. It is 11:56 PM. I just wrote all of this from the living room floor (where I am camped for the night because this is where T-man gave in). Mark is sleeping in our bed, and I'm just waiting for the awful sound of my baby's little cry. 

And I am exhausted. 

Moral of the story here folks: Once you think you may have found something that works, you've figured it out, you've fixed it. That adorable child of yours will do just what children do best, the unexpected. Don't get too comfortable, this is parenthood, it's not supposed to be easy.  

Exhausted and sleep deprived on the living room floor,


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